This is a picture of the faux "painted brick"
I painted on the floor of my potting shed.
after it was completely decorated...sigh.
It was SO CUTE!
The counter top on the right was actually recessed down, to accommodate all the soil spillage... AND it even had a hole to push the dirt back down into the bin below. The surface was a laminate, so no worries about water or clean up. Those green bins were full of different soils, and garden stuff.
The floor was just grey cement or is it concrete. I never know which is correct and bit The Mr. says there is a difference. I wanted some more character to the room so I painted it to look like brick.
I just used the redwood fence stain that I had on hand.
If I had planned ahead I think I would have used cement stain. I think it comes in ready mixed colors for painting cement porches...
Actually... I stamped the pattern on using a sponge that I think was meant for cleaning the grout when laying new tile.
I broke bits off of the sponge until it was the size of a real brick.
I even pulled out little bits from the stamping surface so it would have "texture". I made sure to rotate the sponge so that each "brick" would look different. The cement spaces between each "brick" looked like the "mortar".
I will post a picture or two of the yard.
We lived in Northern California at the time.
We now live in North Central Texas...
update: we have since moved to the Palm Desert of California.
update: we have since moved to the Palm Desert of California.
Fabulous idea! It looks like brick to me. And so much cheaper.
What a clever girl you are! Loved reading this post. Thank you for sharing it again. I'm new to the land of blog so all of these Sunday Favorites are new to me. ~ Sarah
Wow, makes me wish I had a floor I could do that too. I guess I could always do my garage floor. What a great idea. Did you put any kind of sealant on it when you were done?
Thanks for sharing and please stop by and say hello. I'm also joining as a follower.
Great idea!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
What a fabulous idea!!
Now why have I not heard of this before!!!?
I think I know what I am going to do with that boring sidewalk in front of my house.
That is gorgeous! If I ever build my own home, I really want bricks (red) in the kitchen. I have a good friend who painted hers like the pictures and you have to look closely to see if they are real. :o)
Hello Bunny Jean...
Welcome!!! It's such a pleasure to have you join up with us for Sunday Favorites!!! What a fabulous post to reshare with us today...although, it's new to me! Hehe! That's what I like about Sunday Favorties...there are so many great posts and they deserve a second showing!
You know, I had actually seen that article of the first photo...painting the brick on the sidewalk! Can't remember when or where exactly but I do remember what a great idea it is! It's really so easy to do and inexpensive...probably more time extensive than anything. But it really does completely change the look of the space! I'm so glad that you shared your charming potting shed with us...I just adore it!!! And...I really do like your idea better about using stain instead of paint...I think it would hold up better, like you said...not peeling off! Since this is our first time to meet...after seeing your fabuous potting shed...I'm assuming that you're an avid gardener! What a great space for you to work in!!! Thank you so much for sharing this post with us...loved it!!!
Just wanted to let you know that I'm adding your delightful blog to my list of blog follows! I look forward to your upcoming posts and getting to know you! So very nice to meet you, Bunny Jean!!! I hope that you'll join in with Sunday Favorites again!!!
Have a super Sunday, my friend!
Fantastic idea! From your photo the bricks look real! You must have a green thumb to have had such a great potting shed! Do you have one at your new place?
Dee Dee
Bunny Jean, this floor is adorable! Wish there were more photos to show you working on it though :(
BTW, congrats on the Bunny Hop party this week, already up to 40 links!
~Suzanne in IL
Just came over from BJ's when I saw your comment. The floor looks AWESOME, how clever to use a SPONGE!!! Love it. Did you put any type of sealer over the paint? XO, Pinky
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